Handling Extreme HR Situations


HR is about dealing with employees and since employees are humans, we can expect unwanted negative situations and incidents in a company. Handling extreme negative incidents can at times be difficult and miss rational handling, since such situations are spontaneous and unexpected. Consider a situation in which:

– An employee gets into physical assault with co-worker, supervisor or subordinate due to any reason
– An employee commits any criminal offence on the work floor, such criminal offense which is violent
– An employee shows a rigid, aggressive and unacceptable behavior towards its reporting authorities

All the above, and more such situations are unexpected and high on emotions. It is very important for you to be a leader to rationally handle such situations which may not disturb the environment, people and overall impression of organization. Here are few important actions to take in such situations:

Do Not React With Aggression: Extreme negative incidents usually result in anger and hyper emotions. But the first and the most important thing you should do as a leader is not to react with aggression and anger, rather act sensibly. There are high chances that reacting with aggression in response will drag the situation into more extreme scenario.

Neutralize The Situation: Not reacting with aggression means that your complete focus should be to initially neutralize the situation, whatever it takes to stop and move away the physical assault, criminal offense and unacceptable behavior away from work floor. As early as you will move the culprit out of the work environment, the easy it would be for work floor to recover back to normal. Your objective should be to neutralize the situation to the level that you may have ample time to react safely.

Create An Example: Once the situation is neutralize, now its time to do the justice. This may involve law enforcement, administrative and other measures to make sure that the culprit gets the due punishment. You need to create such an example that prevents other employees to get involve in such act in future and to make others perceive that company is capable of handling all extreme situations with due justice.

Other the the above measures, the first prevention of such incidents come from the hiring stage. You need to invest your time and money to make sure you are hiring professionals high in human behaviors with very low probability to react unprofessionally in negative and burdened situations.

Ahmad Sabih

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    Ahmad Sabih

    Ahmad Sabih have been at the forefront of hugely successful eCommerce and digital marketing companies with millions of monthly users.

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